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Greenwich Choral Society
Christine Howlett, Music Director
Music...Magic...Joy - since 1926
Featured Music Lectures
As part of our ongoing choir education and community outreach, we have created some video lectures on musical topics.
These were made publicly available when streamed and links to uTube recordings are available below. There will be some delay before the videos start.
Click for Video
Title | Picture | Presenter | Description | Link |
Beethoven Concert Teaser: A Valentine for L.v.Beethoven | Mariel Mayz, pianist | Mariel will present a talk on Beethoven’s piano music and provide insights on the Choral Fantasy | | |
J.S. Bach: Fact and Fiction | Paul F Mueller | GCS maestro Paul Mueller will provide a “readers digest” overview of the life and work of J.S. Bach, creating a picture of his mischievous personality and the circumstances that created his genius. We will sing a few chorales and enter into the mysterious world of Bach’s harmony. | | |
A new organ for Christ Church Greenwich | Jonathan Vaughn | The basics of how the organ works and is played. Jonathan Vaughn, the Associate Director of Music at Christ Church Greenwich and GCS accompanist, will be our guide. He will also tell us about the new instrument being installed in Christ Church. | | |
Sing to Freedom: The Power of Spirituals | Edward Pleasant | Join Edward Pleasant, singer and minister of music, in a Zoom presentation of Sing to Freedom: The Power of Spirituals. Eddie will trace the journey of spirituals from slave songs and field hollers to the great concert halls of the world. | | |
The Mass | James Wetzel | GCS Assistant Conductor James Wetzel will take us on a tour of the unchanging musical portions of the Mass: Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus Dei. These ancient texts continue to inspire composers, Christians, and concert‐goers alike, from Josquin and Palestrina to Poulenc and Vaughn Williams. | |
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