Greenwich Choral Society
Christine Howlett, Music Director
Music...Magic...Joy - since 1926
Meet a Chorister -
Amanda Fried (soprano)
Member Since:
Profession: Matrimonial attorney – so, no stress there!
What was your audition like? I was a little shy about auditioning; actually, I was terrified. Paul Mueller, our director, was wonderfully kind and supportive. Afterwards, I felt foolish at how petrified I was to sing before him.
Musical history: At 4, I took piano lessons sitting on the bench next to my mother. I gave concerts growing up, including at Carnegie Hall when I was 16. At various times of my life, I’ve played violin, harp, and flute. I still play piano (love Debussy!) and I am using this social distancing time to learn guitar.
Fondest GCS memory: Moments before my first concert was about to begin, we were lighting the candles for our procession, and I started to cry, I was so excited.
Hobbies: When my own dog was a puppy, she was hell-on-wheels. Having her forced me to learn about dog training, so I decided to go to school to learn how to train other people’s puppies, too. Zoe (pictured above) is a Havanese, but I try not to say that out loud. “Havanese” rhymes with “cheese,” which she is very fond of -- I don’t want to get her hopes up