Greenwich Choral Society
Christine Howlett, Music Director
Music...Magic...Joy - since 1926
Meet a Chorister -
Karen Juul (soprano)
Member Since:
Profession: Retired office administrator
Why do you sing? My mom liked to sing, and she was always playing records by Mario Lanza and Elvis. I sang in the madrigal group in high school, in the all-state choir, sang in Brigadoon, then went on to be a voice major at the Boston Conservatory. Over the years I’ve sung with the Westchester Opera Company and the Connecticut Opera. I love the camaraderie.
Fond GCS memories: I liked the Christmas concerts with their little stage business, particularly when we sang “The 12 Days of Christmas”: everyone had a prop. I remember David Heap had a Christmas tree that was all lit up. At the dress rehearsal, the orchestra had no idea what we were doing, but they got into the swing of things. The next day at the concert, the bassoon pulled out his instrument all wrapped up in Christmas lights.
Was there any particular moment in a concert that touched you? Our “Slava Russia!” concert – all Russian music performed around Russian Easter. We had the banners that were normally used in church for the services. Because I was Russian Orthodox, that was really a moving concert for me.
Hobbies: Cooking and travel. When I was commuting from New York and would get home at 7:00, Bob had dinner on the table. When I retired, I had to learn how to cook again; I had to ask permission to get in the kitchen. I like to try new things. Bob and I try not to make the same thing twice.
As far as travel goes, this month we were supposed to go on a flower and wine tour of South Africa, but that got moved out to 2022. Right now we are booked for Egypt and Israel, then Morocco next year. Bob’s daughter Kendra has postponed their wedding twice due to COVID. Everything is so iffy.