Greenwich Choral Society
Christine Howlett, Music Director
Music...Magic...Joy - since 1926
Meet a Chorister -
Sue Norton (tenor)
Member Since:
Profession: Retired HR director.
Were you always a tenor? I was a second alto, but I was having trouble hitting the high notes. Then about 10 years ago, during an audition, Paul (Maestro Paul Mueller) asked if I’d consider singing tenor. “He can’t mean it,” I thought. That’s like being sent to the 7th circle of Hell. But it saved my choral career. I’m one of 5 women who now sing tenor in GCS.
How do you like rehearsing on Zoom for the last year? I don’t really care for it. I do it more out of a sense of obligation. Paul works so hard and gives so much to the chorus. It’s like wanting to please your parents, wanting to do it right for him. So I find myself recording a video for GCS and half-way through I’m thinking, “Hey, this is a decent take,” and just then the cat jumps into the screen.
Fondest GCS memory: In 1985, about 30 GCS singers sang in the Aldeburgh Festival in England, a trip which included singing in various cathedrals and punting on the Cam River, where I dropped my pole – literally up a creek without a paddle. But in the not-so-fondest-GCS- memory category, 1985 was the year I had to audition three times . . . three times: in January to join GCS, again for the Festival, and a third time in September when GCS did its routine biennial auditions.
Hobbies? I've played golf all my life, racked up a couple of club championships in my time. Play tennis, pickleball, play in a mask, temperature taken. Right now, I’m nursing an injury and because I’m older than dirt, it heals slowly. I’m also the oldest person in history to go around town on a motor scooter.